Our Vision
To help people find freedom in Jesus Christ

Upcoming Events
- Jan 18: Men's Group (7:30a)
- Jan 27: CSALT (Right to Life) Meeting (6:30p)
- Every Wednesday: Adult Bible Study (6:00p)
- Every Wednesday (except last of the month): Troops Ministry (6:00p)
New Here?
Welcome to Bethany Evangelical Free Church! Whether you're visiting our community, have just moved to the Clintonville, Wisconsin area, or if you are simply searching for a church where the Bible is taught and preached as God's Word, we hope that you'll feel at home among us. We warmly invite you to worship with us this Sunday at 9:45a, and join us afterward for coffee and fellowship in the foyer! A well-staffed nursery is provided for toddlers, as well as a Parent's Room with a viewing window into the service. During the school year we have Sunday School at 11:15a for all ages.
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Get Involved
Contact us via phone, email or in person to find ways to be involved as the body of Christ.
715-823-2770 bethanyefree@gmail.com