
Eberhardts’ Edition

From our  to your 
 In this issue! HEADING TO MEXICO
Our heartfelt thanks to you
New Year, Same You!

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YES, your prayers are effective. We plan to fly down to Oaxaca, Mexico Saturday, January 20. Pray for our preparation for the trip, safety and good connections as we travel, and adjusting again to life in Mexico. 

Roy will continue his computer supervision job. By working in person with other IT personnel he finds most rewarding. 

Julie will help with childcare the morning of the first week we are there. There are two school age children who need help with their home studies. Their parents are taking cross cultural training classes for new members.. 

We are planning, Lord willing, to head to Santa Maria Papalo on the weekend of January 27. Roy is bringing the tablet computer for Nicolas as well as help with any other needs for the translation project. Next month, we hope to give a better update from the team and what more is taking place there. FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR  
Your prayers, notes of encouragement and financial support allow us to be partners.
Together we bring God’s Word so Mexican people can hear and read in the language they know best .

Click here to make a donation.
Do you make a New Year Resolutions and keep them?
I like to choose a word for the year. I enjoyed my word for 2023, REJOICE. Now in 2024, I chose CONNECT.

Here’s my 2024 Vision Board:

Pastor Sam shared the title above; not New You but Same You. He shared that change isn’t behavioral modification but transformation. Learning to connect with God is important to me. By knowing and loving God transforms my heart condition to act out of His love. How about you?

“And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:17b-19
Copyright © 2024 Roy and Julie Eberhardt, All rights reserved.
From Roy and Julie Eberhardt Missionaries to México

Our mailing address is:
Roy and Julie Eberhardt15255 N Twin Lakes Dr.Apt. 5103Tucson, AZ 85739-9542

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